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:( abt Bright Star last year.

Ryan Gosling - Have got about 6 dvds of his films including most favourite The Believer (which include his audition video), Half Nelson, Lars and of course, The Notebook which started it all for me.

He and Ben I think have certain qualities that want me to watch every infinitesimal movement they make when their acting. Nuances? I dunno if its the right word. :) Both of them are IMMENSELY SPECTACULAR ACTORS.
Btw. here's the trailer for The Believer

Rev Stan

I hope you are right about the tickets, Profit. Tickets go on general sale next week so I'm hoping my allocation will plop onto the door mat soon.
I'm trying to gloss over the whole lack of The Tempest thing. It's typical because last year Bright Star previewed at LFF and I would have moved heaven and earth to get a ticket except I was on holiday when it was on!
I've never seen The Believer but will keep an eye out for it. Think the only thing I've seen him in is Lars and the Real Girl which I can't remember loving or hating.


Awww Rev! You're soo lucky you're gonna get a seat at everyscreening!

Shame they don't have our Ben's 'The Tempest' there but am equally excited to see your choices - Blue Valentine cos have been waiting with bated breath for Ryan Gosling to amaze me again. Have you seen him in 'The Believer'?? You MUST! He AWED me - enough said.
And 'The King's Speech'- have a spot in my heart for Colin Firth since I first saw him in Camille when I was still in primary school :P Looking forward to your reviews!!!

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