Once you get over the fact that Angelina Jolie needs a good meal, or three, inside her and she isn't going to snap in two if someone touches her, she is the female Bourne.
The Bourne films are great action packed thrill rides and successful, so I course Hollywood is going to flail around for something of a similar mould and what better for a similar but sufficiently different concept than to have a female CIA agent on the run? (Although I understand Tom Cruise was originally earmarked for the part, thank goodness that didn't come off.)
Like Bourne, it is about a spy on the run from the bosses. OK so there isn't the memory loss like Bourne but the audience does have to piece together Salt's past and as the tagline suggests, who she actually is.
Salt (Ms Jolie) is accused of being a Russian sleeper spy whose mission is to assassinate the Russian president and so spark an international conflict.
Naturally this entails lots of exciting, imaginative and sometimes edge-of-the-seat chase scenes. The audience is kept guessing about about whether she is or isn't a Russian spy and who can actually be trusted but then that isn't that much different to Bourne either.
All this is making it sound like I thought Salt was a bit 'yadda yadda yadda' but I didn't, I really enjoyed it with all it's twists and turns and inventive spy resourcefullness and daring. There is one particular chase scene where Salt is leaping from the roof of one fast moving lorry to another which is so brilliant shot as to give you a real sense of the danger that I was squirming in my seat, palms sweating.
It's also satisfying to see a woman getting the lions share of the action, not only pulling it off but also putting the otherwise male dominated cast in the shade.
Inevitably there will be another one, if Ms Jolie can be persuaded to sign on the dotted line. Unlike her character in Wanted she doesn't end up with a bullet in the head so it's not like they'd have to write some elaborate back from the dead plot which put her off Wanted 2.
The professional view:
Empire Online gave it three stars concluding: "Noyce marshals the crunches and bangs well, and it zips along at a pace sufficient enough to keep the paranoia alive. Never entirely predictable — a bonus these days — it’s further confirmation of Jolie’s action goddess status."
Total Film liked it a bit better and gave it four stars: "As we declared on our cover last month, cinema has a new super spy. And while the closing credits don’t actually spell it out, they might as well do: Evelyn Salt Will Return. And that’s a good thing."