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Rev Stan

I'm not geek enough to have seen the Hulk movie or know anything about Thor but I am shallow enough to say that if it has Robert Downey Jnr in it then I'll probably go and see it ;0)


Beware: geekery ahead.

I believe they're actually building towards an Avengers movie, which will have Iron Man, Hulk, Thor (in production, directed by Kenneth Branagh) et al in one movie…

Rev Stan

Solo trips to the cinema are a breeze - you don't have to worry about whether the people you are with are enjoying it and you can eat all the popcorn.
Still if they make a third you don't have to go solo because I'll go and see it.


I'm looking forward to this one, as I really enjoyed the first. Indeed, I blogged about it ages ago: http://adam.tinworth.org/2009/07/from-comics-to-screen.html

Alas, Dr T is uninterested in seeing it, and my normal superhero movie buddy now lives in Malta...

Might have to gather my courage for a Rev Stan-style solo visit to the cinema.

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